Most people aren’t aware that their pain is related to a gluten-sensitivity. Gluten is a specific protein common in wheat and certain types of grains. Many people out there actually have an intolerance for gluten. The difficulty is that the signs of this specific food sensitivity change considerably and resemble other ailments like colitis, IBS, or a wheat allergy.
Here are a few clues that you might do well with a gluten free diet:
— Random weight-loss or gain
— Abdominal discomfort or difficulties (bloating, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, gas)
— Pain in the joints or muscle weakness
— Bone fractures and osteoporosis
— Fatty (big, oily, smelly, or light colored) stools that generally float.
Dealing With Gluten Intolerance
You need to consider really testing for a gluten intolerance or celiac disease, for those who have other signs and stomach pain. Just don’t go gluten-free without a thought or care. If you do so you won’t get a precise analysis.
One other important fact that I’ve discovered in my practice: People who have whipworms or other microscopic parasites are consistently gluten intolerant. Gluten intolerance disappears once they eliminate these harmful critters. Getting rid of parasites typically involves a parasite cleanse that makes use of black walnut.
About Celiac Disease
Individuals with this crushing autoimmune disease cannot consume nutrients. They could lose substantial quantities of weight and endure implacable diarrhea along with severe stomach pain and bloating. Untreated celiac disease decreases bone mineral density. However, a gluten-free diet, in addition to vitamins K and D, magnesium, calcium, and other bone-building nutrients, fortifies the skeleton.
Probably the most chilling truth about celiac disease is the fact that you’ll have it for decades without feeling any symptoms, though your small intestine is silently destroyed by your disease. However, the section of the body most sensitive to gluten might not be your bowel–it’s your brain!
In a piece of Mayo Clinic research, when celiac patients suffering cognitive decline continued on a diet free of gluten, their mental capacities were enhanced or at least stabilized.
About Gluten Intolerance
Upward of 70-percent of people have inherited a genetic propensity for gluten sensitivity. Within my nourishment practice, I’ve observed how gluten intolerance can cause nutritional malabsorption in addition to leaky-gut syndrome. The villi within the lining of the intestinal wall are caused to flatten by gluten. Because the entire procedure for consuming nutrients goes haywire, the villi atrophy.
Since these allergens circulate throughout the human body, they trigger irritation and activate damaging diseases including skin disorders, pain, diabetes, melancholy, MS, and even autism.
The Bottom Line: Eat more fruits and vegetables.
The bottom line here is that you should be eating more fruits and vegetables. Go gluten free and see if its right for you.
Despite every one of the products available now, you might be low on fiber. Many cleanses out there feature sources of mild but quick-acting, gluten free fiber including psyllium. For anemia, ensure that your daily multivitamin contains vitamin B12.