Peppermint Oil for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

Peppermint Plant - for Irritable bowel syndromeVarious studies have suggested that peppermint oil might have the ability to remedy the symptoms of IBS. This is because it’s an antispasmodic that relaxes the muscles within the bowels and stomach. These symptoms include cramping and stomach discomfort, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, and mucus within the feces. More research, nevertheless, is required to explain peppermint oil’s effectiveness for  battling IBS, according to British researchers who’ve examined the problem thus far.

Making Tea

To experience the benefits of peppermint oil on smaller things like common digestive distress, you can just make tea. Peppermint tea bags are easily accessible in both health-food shops and supermarkets. The tea may also be produced from fresh leaves. Simply add one or two teaspoons into a cup of warm, not boiling, water, and allow it to stand covered for fifteen minutes. I would advise keeping a reserve of peppermint tea in the fridge. It should be noted, though, that it shouldn’t be applied on a routine basis. Its effect will be lessened by regular, habitual use.

Many doctors and herbalists don’t understand that the effective menthol elements in peppermint are quickly consumed within the belly and upper GI-TRACT. Taking your peppermint as a tea, oil, or tincture may have little if any, impact on bowel issues further down. Coated peppermint oil capsules should be utilized to ensure that the active ingredients are able to get to the colon in order to provide appropriate IBS help. European research has found these capsules to be quite successful in treating the disorder.

Capsule Dosage

The dosage normally recommended for IBS help continues to be two to three capsules per day, taken between meals. The sole side-effect noted is a temporary burning sensation within the rectum after a bowel movement. This arises from excessive, unabsorbed menthol. It poses no risk and could really be relieved by just cutting down on the dosage.

Other Potential Side Effects

Peppermint oil is normally well tolerated though there are several reports of acid reflux or burning sensations. As a way to lessen one’s side effects and also to optimize effectiveness for IBS, enteric-coated capsules are the best course of action.

What it Boils Down to

The undeniable fact that IBS is really a chronic disorder calls for care when contemplating using prescription drugs, because of worries about long-term security. Effective supplements should then become an important feature of a person’s life. Peppermint oil would seem to fit the bill when it comes to providing a safe, well-tolerated treatment choice for reducing IBS symptoms.
