In 2010, the Archives of Internal Medicine published a study that outlined that having a diet that was low in carbohydrates helped you to lose just as much weight as the most effective weight loss pills. Their findings still hold true today.
What the investigators in the study found surprising, though, was that eliminating sugary carbohydrates lowered blood pressure, which is something most weight loss pills fail to do! The carbohydrate-cutters in this test had their systolic blood pressure lowered by 6%, and their diastolic pressure lowered by 4.5%.
Unlike most studies done in the fat loss field, this study adopted individuals with a variety of problems like obesity, cholesterol issues, diabetes, heart problems, arthritis, and high blood pressure. Blood glucose and insulin amounts also showed improvement when carbohydrates were reduced by the research volunteers.
“While fat loss usually causes developments in blood-pressure, it might be the low-carb diet that has added effects,” states William S. Yancy, Jr., MD, lead writer of the study. “It is significant to realize that you could do a diet rather than using the medicine and get exactly the same weight-loss results with fewer prices and fewer unwanted side effects,” he includes.
Things to Keep in Mind
Without enough protein, you will drop muscle, which just impedes the metabolic process and makes fat loss tougher. Always make sure you’re getting enough protein with any diet plan you choose to live by.
Anti-inflammatory fats–omega 3s in chia seeds, fish-oil, and flaxseed mixed together with a high quality omega 6 in gamma-linolenic acid, can help to fight cardiovascular illness and diabetes, while supporting healthful weight reduction.